Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Imagine a life
When you get constantly watched
The fairy queen and the empress
Asking questions all the time
sometimes with anger
Sometimes in concern
Sometimes they smile
And sometimes they burn
To save someone from harm
To keep silent was all I could do
They tell me he lied
That he hates me too
That his feelings are and were never true
They get under my skin
Rip my soul apart
They tell me they do this
So that I stay in the light
But there is no sun where he is not
So I keep to the windows
And search for doves
Which sing me songs
And I sing in return
At first the doves scared me
And that was what I have told
But now as I am not anymore
I said nothing
Told what doves, there are no doves at all
To save what's mine
So that no one knows
The stories I told and were told back
Were kept safe too
But the queens are cunning, ancient and true
They don't believe me I guess
Don't believe him too
Don't kill the doves
Don't kill me again
For hours I cried
In torment and in pain
He doesn't know
What horrors from
I am trying him to save
Believe me
For I can not lie
I didn't try to harm him
I can't go that far

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